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The Wonder Women of MENA: Marwa Kaabour

Marwa Kaabour

Women have taken major strides in breaking that glass ceiling. In my job today, I am fortunate enough to work in a company that not only supports women, but also justly offers them equal opportunities across the board. I also work with a host of professional women who represent major global brands in industries that… lets say were not perceived to be ‘woman-friendly’. From automotive, trucks and heavy machinery, and marine, all the way to the pure industrial sector. These industries have carried a legacy of being harsh workplaces for women but have since then excelled in creating inclusive environments. Today, I see day in day out, women in high profile positions in these very industries, leading brands not just on the local, but on the regional and sometimes global stage as well.

When it comes to my specific field – Marcomms – it is immensely satisfying to see how women have excelled in this field, and in other notable fields as well, like STEM and Space. Befittingly, the theme for International Women’s Day this year is Embrace Equity which calls to the fore the importance of gender equity rather than equality. To explain the difference, ‘equity’ is when we take equality one step further and truly acknowledge and appreciate the value every gender brings to the table.



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